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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Hi Shreya,

The flight to L.A sounds very tiring, long and boring 12 hours wow,we doubt that it was very fun especially when the pilot had to turn off the movie screens because of the turbulence stage!
It is the incredible science day today ( 6th July) and we are going to do some really fun stuff like origami,glass blowing and things like that.The production is well underway and the first show was last night Miss Stovold was there doing the makeup for all of the main actors she did a very good job! It is tiring for everyone who is doing the production but it is fun at the same time.You would of enjoyed all the singing,dancing,acting and all sorts of other things like that.
Have you been anywhere yet or seen anyone famous?? let us know if you do !

From the rest of Room 29

P.S It is 9:30 am here and we are writing our narratives.What time is it in America ?    
We cracked the rest of the chicken eggs open, they all turned out to be yolk

Monday, 4 July 2011


Hi guys
We reached LA on monday morning (for you) and On sunday morning ( for us). NZ to LA was the WORST flight (mostly cause it was a 12 hour flight) out of all them,well half of it was okay because we were watching movies but then we entered turbulence and the pilot had turn the screens of and so on and so on. After that flight we traveled from LA to Charlotte which was a 4 hour flight that one was also bad because I spewed up just before landing.Then the last was Charlotte to Raleigh/Durham and it was the best flight not because it had the best things it probably had the worst but because it was only 50 minutes.We have been out our anything yet so I'll keep coming up here once in a while so bye for now.

P.S its 3:50 here and according to my watch it is 7:50 there

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Police trip

On wednesday all the year 7s in Rimu house went to the greerton police station.

This is a breathalyzer used to detect alcohol on someones breath.

This is one of  the police dogs in Tauranga.